Terkadang saat berpergian ke tampat yang baru atau kota yang belum pernah kita kunjungi kita mengalami kesulitan untuk mencari tempat atau lokasi yang ingin kita tuju.
Namun sebelum nenayakan arah sebaiknya kita mengawali dengan kalimat pembuka yang baik. Contoh:
1. Excuse me/ Excuse me sir or madam
2. I’m lost
3. I am new here
4. I am sorry
5. Sorry, I am not from around here
6. Hello sir or madam
7. Excuse me madam I seemed to be lost
Can you give me directions to the nearest hospital? |
Where is the carnival? |
Where is the nearest bank? |
What’s the best way to get to the amusement park from here? |
Is the department store near here? |
I am trying to find an Police office. Could you tell me how to get there? |
How far is it? |
Is this the right way for the Surabaya City? |
Where can I find restroom? |
How do you get to the supermarket from here? |
Are we on the right road for Semarang? |
How do I get to library? |
1. Can you give me directions to the nearest hospital? (Bisakah kamu memberitahukanku arah menuju rumah sakit terdekat?)
2. Where is the carnival? (Dimanakah Karnaval ?)
3. Where is the nearest bank? (Dimanakah bank terdekat?)
4. What’s the best way to get to the amusement park from here? (Lewat manakah jalan terbaik untuk menuju Taman Hiburan dari sini?)
5. Is the department store near here? (Apakah tempat belanjanya dekat sini?)
6. I am trying to find an Police office. Could you tell me how to get there? (Aku berusaha menemukan Kantor Polisi. Dapatkah kamu memberitahuku bagaimana menuju kesana?)
7. How far is it? (Seberapa jauh itu?)
8. Is this the right way for the Surabaya City (Apakah jalan ini benar menuju Surabaya?)
9. Where can I find restroom? (Dimana aku bisa menemukan toilet?)
10. How do you get to the supermarket from here? (Bagaimana caramu pergi menuju Pasar dari sini?)
11. Are we on the right road for Semarang? (Apakah kami berada di jalan yang benar menuju Semarang?)
12. How do I get to library? (Bagaimana caranya akau bisa ke perpustakaan?)