Paragraf Descriptive digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu hal, benda, orang atau tempat secara detail. Paragraf Descriptive dicirikan dengan penggunaan banyak kata sifat (adjective) dan kata benda (Noun).
Penampilan dan karakter dapat dideskripsikan dalam banyak cara. Seperti gaya berpakaian, cara berjalan, warna dan model rambut, bentuk tubuh dan wajah atau cara berbicara. Nah hal tersebut juga berlaku bagi deskripsi untuk hewan peliharaan.
Untuk memulai menulis teks descriptive yang perlu kita tulis adalah
Kita dapat menjelaskan dari mulai bentuk wajah, tinggi dan berat badan, warna rambut, warna kulit, mata dll. |
Cara Bersikap |
Langkah selanjutnya yaitu menjelaskan cara bersikap yang paling doinan dari orang tersebut. |
Kepribadian |
Kita dapat menjelasakan kepribadian seseorang dengan melakukan observasi misalkan kita ingin mendeskripsikan Pahlawan Pangeran Diponegoro, maka kita bisa mengambil referensi dari buku-buku kepahlawanan Pangeran Diponegoro. |
Contoh :
My Dad
My father name is Supono. He is 50 years old. He is very handsome and dashing man. He has a sturdy body and wide chest. My dad’s tall is about 165 cm and his weigh is about 65 kg. My father has a pointed noose; unlike mine which is flat. His hair is black and short. His eyes are great and black. He has fair complexion and thick eyebrows. Although he looks terrible, my father is very friendly. He is happy to make other laugh with his jokes. My father is a very great man. He could be a father and a best friend for his children. He always understands condition and needs of his children. My father is a hard worker. He works as a mathematics teacher at the school. As a mathematics teacher, he is very loved by his students. A friendly personality makes him a favorite teacher for the students and his friends. Even though my father is a math teacher, I still don’t like math. I prefer English language than math. My dad and I have a same hobby. We particularly love traveling and going to new place which is new for us. My father is very concerned with time for family. He considers his family a priceless treasure. When the holidays come, he always invites us to travel and spend time together. I’m very thankful to have a father who could be the father and best friend for me. |