Cerita fable adalah cerita anak-anak yang menampilkan tokoh
binatang di dalam cerita sebagai symbol dari manusia. Cerita fable ini memiliki
tujuan jelas, yaitu, menyampaikan pesan moral kepada pembacanya, yaitu
Dalam menerjemahkan cerita Fable, hal utama yang harus dingat
adalah target pembaca, yaitu anak-anak dibawah usia 9 tahun yang belum memiliki
pengetahuan dan pengalaman serta kemampuan baca yang baik. Hal ini akan
memengaruhi penerjemah dalam pemilihan padanan kata.
Penggunaan prosedur penerjemahan dengan kata yang lebih umum
(translation by a more general word) dapat membantu menerjemahkan dengan lebih
jelas tanpa mengubah makna karena menjelaskan dari hal khusus kepada hal yang
Penerjemahan karya fiksi cenderung lebih “bebas”. Sehingga
bukan tidak mungkin terjadi adaptasi.
Judul cerita merupakan
cermin cerita secara keseluruhan oleh karena itu, judul cerita diterjemahkan
setelah hasil terjemahan selesai.
You have been told to wash your hands many ti2žmes a day to
help stop the spread of the new coronavirus. You have been told to avoid
touching your face.
But, you also should try to keep clean the device that you
may be using now more than ever – your phone.
Scientific studies have shown that the virus can live for two
to three days on materials like plastic and stainless steel.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
recommends cleaning all “high-touch” surfaces every day. These include things
we touch and come into contact will all day long, like phones, keyboards and
But it is important to be careful. If you do not clean your
phone in the right way, it can get damaged.
Here are some things not to do when disinfecting your phone:
· Do not spray cleaners directly on the phone.
· Do not put the phone into any cleaning liquids.
· Do not use devices that use forced air, which are often
used to clean computer keyboards
· Avoid rubbing your phone with rough materials that could
make small cuts on it.
So, what should you do? Start by turning off the phone and
unplugging any wires. You want to make sure your phone is not charging when you
clean it.
Below are some suggested ways to clean your phone. With any
of these suggestions, be sure not to get the phone wet.
You can use Clorox wipes or wipes with 70 percent alcohol.
You can buy these products at a store and wipe down your phone. iPhone
manufacturer Apple has warned against using household cleaners on its phones,
and says that when using wipes, do so “gently.”
AT&T recommends pushing out any liquid from disinfectant
wipes before using them on a phone. It says paper cloths work too. You can
spray them with disinfectant and then use the cloth to clean the phone. Again,
do not spray the phone itself.
You can also use a soft fabric to clean the phone. Some
examples are microfiber cleaning cloths or ones used to clean camera lenses and
Google suggests cleaning your phone with a cloth that has
been lightly covered in soap and water, as long as you are careful not to get
moisture in the phone.
Samsung, the world’s biggest phone manufacturer, says it is
offering something new: A free phone-sanitizing service involving UV light. The
service will be offered at some U.S.-based Samsung stores and service centers.
It will expand to other countries in the coming weeks.
Cleaning your phone is one of many measures public health
officials are recommending to try to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.
Most patients experience only mild or moderate sickness. However, older people
and those with existing health conditions are more likely to develop more
severe illness.
I’m Ashley Thompson.
Tali Arbel wrote this story for the Associated Press. Anne
Ball wrote it for VOA Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.
How are you keeping away from coronavirus germs? We want to
hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section.
1. Army Branches (Kecabangan dalam Angkatan
Inmostcountriesthearmedforcesaredividedintothreeorfour categories: the Army,the Navy andthe AirForce. Somenationsalsoorganizetheir marines,Special Forces or strategic
missile forcesasindependentarmedservices.Anumberofcountries have no navy, for geographical
Sebagian besar negara-negara di dunia
membagi angkatan bersenjatanya menjadi
tiga atau empat kategori, yaitu Angkatan Darat (AD), Angkatan Laut (AL) dan Angkatan
Udara (AU). Beberapa negara lainnya memasukkan kecabangan lain yang berdiri
sendiri (diluar dari AD, AU dan AL) seperti Marinir, Pasukan Khusus atau
Pasukan Rudal Strategis. Sejumlah negara didunia juga tidak memiliki Angkatan
Laut karena letak geografisnya.
Army istofightandwinwarsbyprovidingland dominancepromptlyandwhenevernecessary.Itisthebranchresponsible forland-based military operations. It is the largest
branch of the military.
Secara umum misi utama dari Angkatan
Darat yaitu untuk bertempur dan memenagnkan peperangan dengan menguasai
daratan kapanpun dibutuhkan. Angkatan Darat merupakan kecabangan yang bertanggungjawab melaksanakan
operasi militer diwilyah daratan. Kecabangan ini juga merupakan kecabangan
dengan jumlah terbesar dari segi jumlah personel dan alutsistanya.
The mission of the Navy is to train
and equip combat ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring
aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. From navy ships to aircraft,
specialty vessels and weapons, navy sailors work with some of the most powerful
machines ever put to sea. They specialize in crisis response, special
operations, evacuations and humanitarian operations. All of these operations
are carried out in order to protect and defend the nation and make the world a
safer place.
Tugas utama Angkatan Laut yaitu untuk
melatih dan melengkapi kesiapan tempur sehingga mampu memenangkan peperangan
dari agresi militer dan menjaga wilayah laut dari berbagai ancaman kedaulatan.
Para pelaut bekerja dan berlayar dengan mesin perang yang kuat dan modern
seperti kapal perang, kapal induk dan berbagai senjata modern lainnya. Selain
itu, Angkatan Laut juga turut berperan dalam melaksanakan operasi khusus, SAR,
penanggulangan bencana dan menjaga keamanan laut.
Themissionofthe AirForce istoflyandwinwarsinair,spaceandcyberspace. It is responsibleforconductingmilitaryoperationsintheairandspace.Itactsindefense of thenationbydeployingaircrafttofightenemyaircraft,bombingtargets,providing reconnaissance and transporting other armed services.
Sementara itu tugas Angkatan Udara
yaitu untuk terbang dan memenangkan pertempuran di udara, ruangan dan
cyberspace. Angkatan Udara bertanggungjawab dalam menggelar operasi militer di
udara. Salah satu fungsi utamanya yaitu mempertahankan wilayah udara sebuah
negara dengan mengerahkan pesawat tempur, pesawat pembom dan melaksanakan
pengintaian serta transportasi pasukan bagi satuan lain.
The news is full, these days, of reports about the
Coronavirus, now called COVID-19. There is a sense of panic in the reports, as
we hear about more and more people getting infected. But what is it, and what
are the risks? Well, apparently, there are many coronaviruses which are similar
to the cold or flu viruses. Most people in the United States, for example, will
have had a coronavirus at one time in their lives. These viruses are spread
from person to person by inhaling droplets that someone has coughed or sneezed,
or by touching a doorknob or a tap that an infected person has touched. Once
the germs have been touched, they can enter the body if that person rubs his
eyes, or touches his mouth or nose. The symptoms you get from COVID-19 affect
your upper respiratory area: your nose and throat, and usually the infected
person will have a fever. As with other viruses, rest, lots of fluids, and
anti-viral medications which can shorten the duration of the virus, are all
recommended. The best way, of course, to prevent viral symptoms is to get the
vaccine if it is available. The flu is a good example of this. However, at the
moment, as far as COVID-19 is concerned, there is not yet a vaccine. So what
has become an epidemic in China, is beginning to look like a pandemic, which means
that it has spread to other countries and other continents. The fatalities have
occurred when the virus infects the lungs in particular, causing pneumonia. The
elderly and those with weakened immune systems are most likely to get the worst
symptoms. So, for those of us who are wondering what we should do to stay
protected, basic anti-virus hygiene is recommended.
This is mainly:
1. Stay away from sick people, or those who have recently
travelled to areas of infection.
2. Wash your hands often during the day with soap and plenty
of water.
3. If you are around a lot of people, feel free to wear a
face mask to cover your nose and mouth, to protect yourself.
Of course, if you have a cold or flu virus, stay at home, and
that way you will reduce the risk of spreading that particular virus to others.
There are some encouraging statistics about COVID-19 believe it or not: out of
the more than 60,000 reported cases, 84% are only mild conditions, and of the
7,300 who now no longer have it, 81% made a full recovery and were
So, let's protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our
community by being careful, hygienic, and proactive.
1) Pemerintah wajib menyediakan fasilitas dan
menyelenggarakan upaya kesehatan yang komprehensif bagi anak, agar setiap
anak memperoleh derajat kesehatan yang komprehensif bagi anak, agar setiap anak
memperoleh derajat kesehatan yang optimal sejak dalam kandungan.
Article 44
1) The government shall be required to provide facilities
and make effort to ensure comprehensive healthcarefor children so that every child shall
obtain optimum healthcare from
2) Penyediaan fasilitas dan penyelenggaraan upaya kesehatan
secara komprehensif sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) didukung oleh peran
serta masyarakat.
2) The
provision of comprehensive healthcare facilities as referred to section 1
above shall supported by the partisipatory role of community.
Interviewer: Today I’m talking to Rajan Mehta, a retired doctor. Good
afternoon, Rajan.
Rajan: Good afternoon.
Interviewer: Now, you’re originally from Mumbai and you came to work as
a doctor in the UK. When was this?
Rajan: In the early sixties, 1962 to be exact.
Interviewer: And why did you come to the UK?
Rajan: Well, it was quite common in those days. Experience of working in the
British National Health Service was highly valued in India. I had just finished
my medical degree, and I thought this would be a good way to get experience. I
only intended to stay for five years, while I completed my postgraduate
Interviewer: So why did you stay longer?
Rajan: Two reasons, really. The first is that I thoroughly enjoyed working for
the NHS. The clinical training I received was fantastic, and I worked alongside
some excellent consultants and learnt a lot. And the second reason is that I
met my wife, who was working as a paediatric nurse.
Interviewer: And so you continued working in the NHS until you retired.
Rajan: That’s correct. First as a paediatrician, and then later I retrained as
a GP.
Interviewer: You must have seen a lot of changes in the National Health
Service. What was it like when you first came here?
Rajan: It was excellent. I think that there was a lot of respect for the
medical profession, maybe more than there is now, and patients had a lot of
faith in their doctors. There weren’t so many problems with long waiting lists,
and new advances in areas such as organ transplants made it an exciting
profession to be in.
Interviewer: Yes, it must have been. Did you have any problems when you
first started working in Britain?
Rajan: Well, yes. My first placement was in a hospital in the north-east of
England and I had real problems understanding what people were saying to me,
which came as quite a shock as I thought I had rather good English. Eventually
I confessed to a colleague that I sometimes couldn’t understand what my
patients were saying. And she admitted that she had the same problem, as she
came from a different part of the country.
Interviewer: Yes, some regional accents can be quite difficult to
understand. One last question – do you ever regret not returning to India?
Rajan: No, not really. Of course, I missed my family, but my brother also came
to England to live, and I returned quite regularly to visit my parents while
they were alive. And I married an English woman and had children here, so
England soon became home.
Interviewer: Rajan, thank you very much for coming in and talking to me.
Rajan: It’s been a pleasure.
Exercise 1 :
Dear Anoo,
I hope you're well. I'm fine and having an excellent time. I've just finished
my post-graduate
and I can't believe I've
been here for years already. I've decided to
stay here because the clinical here is so
good, and the National Service is so
impressive. And there's another reason. I've met a beautiful English woman,
she's a paediatric
, and she's agreed to
marry me! I've got a job as a in the same
hospital, so everything is going well.Of course, I miss you all in Bombay, but
I hope to visit you soon, and with my new wife.
Perusahaan alutsista ternama Thales akan bekerjasama dengan
PT LEN Industri untuk mengupgrade kemampuan kapal perang kebanggaan milik
bangsa Indonesia. Dilangsir dari Thales (10/03/2020), perusahaan asal Perancis Thales dan perusahaan milik BUMN yakni PT LEN Industri telah
menandatangani kontrak modernisasi combat
system kapal perang kelas Multi Role
Light Frigate (MLRF) KRI Usma-Harun.
Thales sendiri merupakan perusahaan alutsista yang telah
bekerjasama dengan Indonesian Navy selama 40 tahun dalam menyediakan combat
system bagi kapal kapal perang RI. Disarikan dari Naval News (11/03/2020), Kontrak
tersebut meliputi modernisasi TACTICOS Combat
Management System, SMART-S Mk2 air
and surface surveillance radar, STIR EO Mk2 radar dan EO fire control
system serta Vigile Mk2 tactical
multi-purpose R-ESM system. Sistem canggih ini juga telah diinstal pada
kapal perang kelas frigate Raden Eddy Martadinata (KRI-REM).
Program modernisasi dinilai lebih effektif untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan dalam hal combat management
dan sensor serta lebih efisien dalam
hal pembiayaan.
Setelah menjalani upgradeselama 20 bulan, kapal perang Angkatan Laut
Australia (Royal Australian Navy/RAN) yakni HMAS Arunta berhasil melaksanakan
uji penembakan peluru kendali Evolved Sea
Sparrow Missile (ESSM) di perairan sebelah barat Australia. Rudal ESSM
sendiri merupakan rudal anti udara (surface to air) yang digunakan untuk
melumpuhkan pesawat tempur, helikopter, drone dan serangan rudal lawan.
Dilangsir dari Navy Daily
(15/03/2020), HMAS Arunta merupakan kapal perang kelas Anzac Class Frigate yang
di upgrade kemampuannya melalui program Anzac Midlife Capability Assurance
Program (AMCAP). Keberhasilan uji penembakan rudal ini merupakan barometer
kesuksesan dalam program AMCAP yang meliputi peningkatan kemampuan
self-protection, kemampuan komunikasi dan kemampuan Kodal (komando dan
Alutsista berjenis Remotely
Controlled Weapon Systems (RCWS) yang didesain dan diproduksi oleh
perusahaan industri pertahanan Turki yakni ASELSAN akan menjadi senjata utama
pada kapal Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency atau lebih dikenal
denganMMEA. Dilangsir dari Naval News
(6/3/2020), ASELSAN telah menandatangi kontrak dengan galangan kapal milik
Malaysia dalam pemasangan 30 mm SMASH Remote
Controlled Weapon System dengan High Accuracy Stabilized Gimbal (HASG) dan
Pintle Mounted 12.7mm Machine Gun terhadap aset kapal milik MMEA dari kelas Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV).
Kapal milik MMEA dipersenjatai dengan meriam utam SMASH 30 mm buatan ASELSAN
SMASH weapon system,
merupakan RCWS yang memiliki berbagai fitur penembakan diantaranya menggunakan sensor optic ataupun elekto-optikcontrol system saat melaksanakan penembakan. Sistem ini juga
dilengkapi dengan turret yang stabil
dan automatic target tracking untuk
mendeteksi dan menjejak sasaran secara cepat dan tepat. Kelebihan lain dari
SMASH 30mm yakni mampu memuntahkan peluru 200 butir per menit.