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Senin, 14 Oktober 2019

Pemahanam kata, frasa, klausa secara sederhana (STEP-7)



Dalam mempelajari bahasa tentu kita akan bertemu dengan istilah kata, frasa, klausa dan kalimat. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas mari kita lihat definisi istilah tersebut menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)


1.           Unsur bahasa yang diucapkan atau dituliskan yang merupakan perwujudan kesatuan perasaan dan pikiran yang dapat digunakan dalam berbahasa,

2.           satuan bahasa yang dapat berdiri sendiri, terjadi dari morfem tunggal (misalnya batu, rumah, datang) atau gabungan morfem (misalnya pejuang, pancasila, mahakuasa)


Gabungan dua kata atau lebih yang bersifat nonpredikatif (misalnya gunung tinggi disebut frasa karena merupakan konstruksi nonpredikatif)


Satuan gramatikal yang berupa kelompok kata, sekurang-kurangnya terdiri atas subjek dan predikat dan berpotensi menjadi kalimat

 Dalam bahasa inggris kata (word), frasa (phrase) dan klausa (clause) memiliki arti yang hampir sama dengan bahasa Indonesia. Untuk memahaminya mari kita simak definisinya menurut kamus merriam webster dan cambridge dictionary.




1.           A speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use

2.           The entire set of linguistic forms produced by combining a single base with various inflectional elements without change in the part of speech elements

1.           A characteristic manner or style of expression

2.           A brief expression

3.           A group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence


A particular part of a written legal document, for example a law passed by Parliament or a contract (= an agreement)




Unit terjemahan

Dalam menerjemahkan sebuah teks dari bahasa sumber (Bsu) ke bahasa sasaran (Bsa) penerjemah biasanya beroperasi pada beberapa tataran yang berbeda seperti, frasa, klausa, kalimat, tataran teks, wacana dan ideology.  Seperti dikatakan oleh Bell (1991) dan Malmkjaer (1998) bahwa umumnya penerjemahan beroperasi  pada tataran klausa sebagai fokus penerjemahan sebab klausa lebih dapat ditata sebagai focus perhatian.
                Dalam kajian penerjemahan, dibedakan menjadi dua versi unit terjemahan, yaitu : Pertama, unit terjemahan  yang berorientasi pada proses atau terjemahan sebagai sebuah proses yang melibatkan proses kognitif dan berdasarkan kebutuhan akan makna dalam teks sumber.  Kedua adalah penerjemahan yang berorientasi pada terjemahan yang berorientasi pada produk, yang mana unit penerjemahan sebagai sesuatu yang dapat dipetakan ke dalam unit-unit teks sumber.
                Semakin professional seorang penerjemah, ia akan mengkaji sebuah teks dalam tataran yang lebih tinggi yaitu pada tataran kalimat bahkan tataran teks.

Author : mas ririd


Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Singapore Armed Force berlatih di Idaho U.S.A

Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) sedang mengasah kemampuan tempur angkatan bersenjatanya  dalam Latihan bertajuk “Exercise Forging Sabre”. Latihan yang digelar di Mountain Home, Idaho Amerika Serikat ini, meliputi latihan  pendeteksian, misi end-to-end  dan live fire (penembakan langsung).
Dikutip dari, Latihan  Exercise Forging Sabre telah dimulai sejak tanggal 30 September 2019 dan akan berakhir tanggal 10 Oktober 2019. Latihan ini melibatkan 600 prajurit dari SAF yang menempati The Mountain Home Range Complex.  Ketersediaan ruang udara atau air space di daerah latihan ini sangat membantu pelatihan tempur bagi prajurit SAF, Luas air space diwilayah ini memiliki luas tiga kali lebih besar daripada air space Singapura.  Hal ini tentu akan menambah kemampuan prajurit SAF disana. 

Disarikan dari CNN news, Angkatan Udara Singapura atau Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) menerjukan sejumlah alutsista seperti helikopter serbu AH-64D Apache Helicopter, 3 buah pesawat nir awak HERON 1 UAV, 10 Pesawat tempur F-15SGs dan Sembilan pesawat tempur F-16. Latihan yang digelar di Mountain Home Air Force Base ini, sekaligus untuk menguji daya tahan dan daya gempur dari kekuatan udara RSAF. Selain itu, latihan penembakan High Explosive live firing juga dilaksanakan di Utah Testand Training Range.

Source  :
Author  :  masririd


Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019

Pengertian Leksikogramatika (STEP-7)

Leksikogramatika, Kelompok kata dan klausa

Leksiko gramatika yaitu, leksis atau kata-kata dalam susunan dengan segala akibat maknanya. Pada kerangka diversifikasi metafungsional, leksikogramatikal memiliki peran untuk mengungkap makna ideasional, makna interpersonal dan makna tekstual pada teks.

-Makna ideasional adalah makna yang tercipta sebagai hasil dari realisasi unsur-unsur leksikogramatikal yang digunakan untuk memahami alam sekitar dan untuk mengorganisasikan pengalaman penutur atau penulis tentang dunia nyata atau rekaan.  Pada lingkup makna ideasional, klausa merupakan leksikogramatikal yang digunakan untuk membangun pengetahuan dengan memilih jenis proses pada klausa tersebut. Proses tersebut terdiri dari : 

1.    Proses material adalah proses kerja yang menunjukkan perbuatan (process of doing) atau peristiwa seperti membaca, memukul, menendang.

2.    Proses mental adalah process of sensing, yaitu proses yang menerangkan persepsi seperti melihat, mendengar, suka, khawatir, membayangkan, menganggap dll. Proses mental melibatakan indera dan fenomena.

3.    Proses relasional adalah proses pf being yatiu proses kerja yang menunjukkan hubungan intensitas, sirkumtasi dan milik. Misalka : dina rajin belajar, dapat didefinisikan dina memiliki sifat rajin.

4.    Prose verbal adala hprosses yang menunjukkan pemberitahuan atau pewartaan misalkan, memberitahukan, mengatakan dan menyatakan.

5.    Proses Perilaku adalah proses yang menunjukkan perilaku baik fisik maupun psikis. Missal menertawakan, memuji, mencela, mencemooh dan mentertawakan.

6.    Proses eksistensial adalah proses yang menunjukkan keberadaaan sesuatu misalkan, ada dan terdapat. (ada perguruan tinggi negeri di solo).

-Makna Interpersonal adalah makna yang tercipta sebagai hasil dari realisasi unsur-unsur leksikogramatikal yang digunakan untuk melakukan aksi terhadap orang lain.

-Makna tekstual adalah makna sebagai hasil dari realisasi unsur-unsur leksikogramatikal yang menjadi media terwujudnya sebuah teks, tulis atau lisan yang runtut dan yang sesuai dengan situasi tertentu pada saat bahasa itu dipakai dengan struktur yang bersifat periodik.





Selasa, 08 Oktober 2019

UCAV CH-4 Rainbow mengudara di Jakarta

Upacara  HUT TNI ke-74 menjadi salah satu momen puncak untuk memamerkan kekuatan personel dan alat utama sistem dan senjata (alutsista) yang dimiliki oleh TNI. Kali ini ada yang baru di barisan alutsista pada HUT TNI ke-74, yaitu  drone kombatan berteknologi canggih atau UCAV CH-4 Rainbow milik TNI AU. Drone buatan China ini dikembangkan oleh China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) sejak tahun 2010.

Dikutip dari IHS Jane Defense, drone jenis MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) CH-4 Rainbow menjadi alutsista terbaru dengan kemampuan serang dan mampu membawa rudal penghancur. CASC menelurkan dua varian yakni CH-4A sebagai pesawat intai dengan jangkauan antara 3.500 – 5.000 km, berdaya tahan hingga 30 jam. CH-4B berupa wahana pengintaian bersenjata yang mampu melakukan serangan ke darat, dengan muatan penuh senjata bisa beroperasi selama maksimal 14 jam.
Disarikan dari Muatan sensornya mencakup kubah elektro-optik yang menggabungkan perangkat forward-looking infrared (FLIR), laser rangefinder, dan laser designator yang memiliki jangkauan maksimum 15 km. CH-4B juga dibekali synthetic aperture radar (SAR) yang bisa mendeteksi sasaran yang diselimuti asap atau awan dengan jangkauan maksimum 30 km.


Kontainer sistem pengendali didarat (GCS) ditempatkan di atas sebuah truk dengan empat awak di dalamnya yang terdiri dari pilot, operator komunikasi, operator senjata dan operator pengintaian elektro-optik. Drone ini bisa bisa terbang dalam radius 250 km dari operatornya via sistem data link anti-jamming dan dengan data link satelit dapat meningkat menjadi 2.000 km.


Dapur pacunya menggunakan TD0 serupa dengan mesin puna CH-3 yang dikembangkan oleh Combustion Engine Research Institute of Tianjin University dengan daya kurang dari 150 kwh. Kecepatnya jelajah di kisaran 150-180 km/jam dan terbang pada ketinggian maksimum 8.000 meter. Awak di darat hanya membutuhkan waktu setengah jam untuk menyiapkan misi terbangnya.


Sebagai alat penggebuk, CH-4B dapat mengusung persenjataan seberat 115 kg. Tersedia empat cantelan di bawah sayapnya untuk menggantung rudal berpemandu laser semi aktif AR-1 yang memiliki panjang 1,45 m berdiameter 18 cm seberat 45 kg. Jangkauan efektifnya 2-8 km dan akurasi di bawah 1,5 meter, ampuh digunakan untuk melumat ranpur ringan atau bangunan. 

Source :
Author  : masririd


Senin, 07 Oktober 2019


Structurally, words are divisible into smaller units which are called morphemes. Morphemes are the smallest indivisible two-facet (significant) units. A morpheme exists only as a constituent part of the word.

One morpheme may have different phonemic shapes, i.e. it is represented by allomorphs (its variants),
e.g. in please, pleasure, pleasant [pli:z] , [ple3-], [plez-] are allomorphs of one morpheme.
Semantically, all morphemes are classified into roots and affixes. The root is the lexical centre of the word, its basic part; it has an individual lexical meaning,
e.g. in help, helper, helpful, helpless, helping, unhelpful - help- is the root.
Affixes are used to build stems; they are classified into prefixes and suffixes; there are also infixes. A prefix precedes the root, a suffix follows it; an infix is inserted in the body of the word,


e.g. prefixes: re-think, mis-take, dis-cover, over-eat, ex-wife;
suffixes: danger-ous, familiar-ize, kind-ness, swea-ty etc.
Structurally, morphemes fall into: free morphemes, bound morphemes, semi-bound (semi-free) morphemes.
A free morpheme is one that coincides with a stem or a word-form. A great many root-morphemes are free,
e.g. in friendship the root -friend- is free as it coincides with a word-form of the noun friend.
A bound morpheme occurs only as a part of a word. All affixes are bound morphemes because they always make part of a word,
e.g. in friendship the suffix -ship is a bound morpheme.
Some root morphemes are also bound as they always occur in combination with other roots and/or affixes,
e.g. in conceive, receive, perceive -ceive- is a bound root.
To this group belong so-called combining forms, root morphemes of Greek and Latin origin,
e.g. tele-, mega, -logy, micro-, -phone: telephone, microphone, telegraph, etc.
Semi-bound morphemes are those that can function both as a free root morpheme and as an affix (sometimes with a change of sound form and/or meaning),

Source :

Writing a research essay (STEP-7)

Writing a research essay is a really important component of study life, although it may appear difficult. For the bulk of research paper topics for high school, you must complete one research paper as minimum in semester. Because they require a lot of time and effort from students, you can not undervalue these projects. However, don’t allow your work to bring you stress and impact your general studies. Sometimes you are allocated to the subject, but more often you must build a subject yourself. The entire research should be based on or from the subject. You should continue searching to select an exciting subject that demonstrates your greatest skills.

Which Things To Consider When You Choose Your Research Paper Topics For High School
You must determine that it’s neither dull nor battered when selecting your research subject. An exciting creative subject will get the readers attention and keep them to read the full research. But if you can not develop a research yourself, you can get assistance from professionals in creation process. When choosing an suitable subject, there are some things to deal with :
The Areas You Are Interested In
No secret is that if you are not interested in the subject in general and in the theme in particular, you can not compose a research paper. If, on the other side, the subject is connected to your area of interest, you may feel lucky. Exploring the topic and writing about it would be simpler. You might discover some extra resources on the subject or some additional information on your computer. You will definitely speak about it if you appreciate science. You can think the same about writing too.
Topic Must Be Spesific
When choosing an essay subject, you need to make sure that you obviously comprehend everything. If there are any uncertain marks, do not dare to ask about them. If you understand it totally, it would be easier to write a good research paper about that. It is advisable to keep this subject away and simply choose another one if the indistinct problems are still overall. You have to show the readers that you know everything about the subject and not a confused newbie who doesn’t understand what it is.
Be Clear
You must fully understand that you don’t write an essay in description. An precise and thorough work is a research paper that relies on factual information. You can’t attach any hazy writing to the document. The example or mention of other in-depth studies and academic work should be endorsed in your statement.

Be Original
If you are searching information for a historical paper, this recommendation may look boring. What kind of innovation can you talk about on Perl Harbor or the French Revolution? A new strategy, however, can offer you the advantage between other researchers. Another and astonishing viewpoint should tackle the subject. You can even discover the unidentified truths that your fans might wind up with a profound inquiry. This strategy intrigues your readers and will distinguish your research paper.
In preparing for university or professions, high school students create their reading. Teachers therefore assume study documents to be written in a range of types. Most of the high college students compose essays to evaluate a subject or to convince a problem. In additional to this, they are also conducting researches and writing different reports on different topics.
In the essay, secondary school students accept the role of an educated writer who either analyses a subject or tries to convince the reader about a subject. They are often using the formal and academic writing style. The thesis statement or phrase proposing the evaluation or claim of the writer is the basis of any essay. The key testing methods include the use of transitional words and sentences to maintain one tense during the entire period. Terms of transition can either be “on the other side” or related to the preceding phrase and transition the viewer into the next stage. changes like “in addition” or “this way.”
The objective of research is to guarantee that students can assess the value of a reference, according to the prevalent academic norms. In order to reply inquiries or advise on a subject, they must also be able to collect appropriate data. Of course, the Internet is the most common cause of studies for high school students. When a page is being accessed and data can be corroborated by another page or by another origin, you should recognize the objective of this project to assess it. Students should never copy or paste writing in order to prevent random plagiarism; they should instead bring handwritten notes either on flyers or on a research paper.
Research Paper
The capacity of a student to evaluate and pick data, to arrange thoughts and efficiently communicate data to a public is demonstrated when composing research papers. They are also using the official and academic writing style, as with essays, but in research papers, students should determine some key words. The research paper is based on a statement of intent, an overview of the focus of the document and the writer’s objective in one phrase. Student authors incorporate their studies into their document to educate readers about the subject. For this, the attribution or careful quotation where you have data is an important method. Cite a reference instead of danger plagiarism, if you are in doubt and don’t know what to write.
Using a framework for organization is an essential method for both essays and research papers. High schoolers must create a at least create a blueprint, or a list of the ideas they would like to write down for their essays. The subject is a more official catalog in which each level and information is given with the writer’s figures and letters as it appears in the article. The recorded bluprints should be used for study articles by high college students. This overview is comparable to the subject, but the writer gives records for the origin of each object. In addition, both essays and research papers includes an overview to the subject and put it in depth and summarize thoughts.

Source :


Dalam suatu proses penerjemahan perlu diperhatikan beberapa hal. Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris tidak dilakukan satu persatu kata, tetapi harus membaca kalimat keseluruhan, bahkan membaca keseluruhan teks, agar hasil terjemahannya sama dengan penulis maksudkan. Langkah dalam penerjemahan dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut:

Bacalah tuntas isi artikel atau buku yang akan diterjemahkan. Agar kita bisa memahami pesan yang disampaikan pada buku tersebut. Cara membaca bisa dilakukan dengan cara cepat. 

 -Analisis naskah yang akan diterjemahkan, meliputi tiga hal yaitu teks, frase dan kalimat. Tujuannya menemukan kata-kata kunci dalam teks sehingga memudahkan dalam memberikan pemahaman dan mudah dalam menemukan inti dari tiap kalimat.
-Terjemahkan naskah dengan gaya bahasa yang tepat.
-Terjemahkan secara keseluruhan dan lakukan pengeditan setelah selesai diterjemahkan.
-Setelah suatu dokumen atau artikel diterjemahkan semua, gunakan waktu untuk membaca seluruh dokumen yang sudah diterjemahkan dengan hati-hati tanpa membandingkannya dengan dokumen asli untuk memastikan bahwa kalimat-kalimatnya dapat dimengerti dengan jelas dan tidak bermakna ganda.
-Minta orang lain yang tidak terlibat dalam penerjemahan Anda untuk memastikan bahwa dokumen tersebut diterjemahkan dengan jelas dan tidak memiliki pengertian ganda.
-Sebaiknya review kembali dan diperbaiki dulu, sebelum hasil terjemahan diserahkan ke klien.
-Perhatikan konsistensi dari peristilahan yang sering digunakan.
 Perhatikan idiom bahasa Inggris
  Source : materi belajar UT inisiasi 2


What is Phonology?
Phonology is the study of the patterns of sounds in a language and across languages. Put more formally, phonology is the study of the categorical organisation of speech sounds in languages; how speech sounds are organised in the mind and used to convey meaning. In this section of the website, we will describe the most common phonological processes and introduce the concepts of underlying representations for sounds versus what is actually produced, the surface form. 


Phonology can be related to many linguistic disciplines, including psycholinguistics, cognitive science, sociolinguistics and language acquisition. Principles of phonology can also be applied to treatments of speech pathologies and innovations in technology. In terms of speech recognition, systems can be designed to translate spoken data into text. In this way, computers process the language like our brains do. The same processes that occur in the mind of a human when producing and receiving language occur in machines. One example of machines decoding language is the popular intelligence system, Siri.
Phonology vs. Phonetics – the key differences

Phonology is concerned with the abstract, whereas phonetics is concerned with the physical properties of sounds. In phonetics we can see infinite realisations, for example every time you say a ‘p’ it will slightly different than the other times you’ve said it. However, in phonology all productions are the same sound within the language’s phoneme inventory, therefore even though every ‘p’ is produced slightly different every time, the actual sound is the same. This highlights a key difference between phonetic and phonology as even though no two ‘p’s are the same, they represent the same sound in the language.
lso refer to the Phonetics page to get a better idea of the differences and similarities between these two related areas of linguistics.
Phonemes V. Allophones
Phonemes are the meaningfully different sound units in a language (the smallest units of sound). For example, ‘pat’ and ‘bat’ differ in their first phoneme: the “p” and “b”. Vowels are also phonemes, so “pat” and “pet” differ by a phoneme, too (But phonemes don’t always match up with spelling!). When two words differ by a single phoneme they are known as a minimal pair.
Allophones are different ways to pronounce a phoneme based on its environment in a word. For example, the two allophones of /l/ in “little” are actually produced slightly differently, and the second one sounds slightly deeper. These different “l”s always occur in different environments in words, which is known as “complementary distribution”.
Phonology looks at many different things…
  • Why do related forms differ? Sane—Sanity. Electric—Electricity/ Atom—Atomic
    • Phonology finds the systematic ways in which the forms differ and explains them
  • What is stored in the mind?
    • Phonology studies abstract mental entities, such as structures and processes. This contrasts with phonetics, which deals with the actual production and acoustics of the sounds of language.
  • What sounds go together?
    • Looks at what sounds/sound combinations are accepted and why.
  • How are sounds organized into syllables?
    • With the use of phonological trees syllables are broken up more easily. Syllables are made up of a rhyme and an onset (any consonants before the rhyme). The rhyme made up of a nucleus (the vowel sound(s) in the syllable, the key component of all syllables) and a coda (any consonants following the nucleus).
  • What are the differences between languages?
    • For example, different languages can u
 Source :
 author   : masririd

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