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Never Stop Learn

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Good Learner


Do the Best Let God do the rest

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018


Please read carefully and loudly



The story of street art

Modern graffiti began in big cities in the United States in the 1970s. In New York, young people wrote their names, or 'tags', in pen on walls around the city.

One of the first 'taggers' was a teenager called Demetrius. His tag was TAKI 183. He wrote his tag on walls and in stations in New York. Other teenagers saw Demetrius's tag and started writing their tags too. Soon, there were tags on walls, buses and trains all over New York.

Then, some teenagers started writing their tags with aerosol paint. Their tags were bigger and more colourful. Aerosol paint graffiti became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. It appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world.

In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started painting pictures. Some artists' pictures were about politics. Other artists wanted to make cities beautiful and painted big, colourful pictures on city walls.

Graffiti in galleries

In some countries, writing or painting on walls is a crime. Sometimes, graffiti artists have problems with the police. In other countries, artists can draw and paint in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are 'graffiti zones' where artists can paint on walls. In São Paulo in Brazil, street artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Their pictures are colourful and beautiful. Some tourists visit São Paulo just to see the street art!
In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. You can see exhibitions of street art in some galleries too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles.

Who are the artists?

Some street artists have become famous. Here are three stars of the street art world:
  • Os Gêmeos are twin brothers from São Paulo. They paint big, colourful pictures of people on buildings. In 2007, they painted a castle in Scotland!
  • Blek le Rat is from Paris. He is famous for painting pictures of homeless people in big cities.
  • Faith47 is from Cape Town in South Africa. She paints big, colourful pictures of people and animals. She likes painting in different places and you can find her work on pavements, postboxes, buses and, of course, on walls!

The future of street art

Many street artists use the internet to look at photos of street art from around the world. They communicate with other artists online and share ideas. Some street artists are famous and you can see their pictures in galleries. We don't know about the future of street art, but it is here to stay for sure!
Robin Newton

Source :



Good Evening friend...
Now I"ll share share an article about animals in city. Please read carefully and loudly.

One night in December 2018, a bear came into the city of Vancouver in Canada. It walked through the city streets past houses, shops and offices. Then it found some food in bins outside a restaurant and started eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. The police came with a vet from the city zoo. They put the bear in a lorry and took it to the mountains outside the city. Luckily, the bear was safe. But what happens in other countries when big animals come into cities? In Vancouver it is unusual to see a bear, but in some cities you can see big animals on the city streets every day.

Big animals usually come into cities to find food. In Cape Town in South Africa baboons come into the city when they are hungry. They go into gardens and eat fruit from trees. They even go into houses and take food from cupboards and fridges! Baboons are strong animals and they can scare people. But the city can be dangerous for baboons too. Sometimes, cars and buses kill baboons in accidents. Human food is very bad for the baboons’ teeth because it has a lot of sugar. Now, there are Baboon Monitors working in Cape Town. Their job is to find baboons in the city and return them to the countryside.

In Berlin in Germany, pigs sometimes come into the city to look for food. They eat flowers and plants in parks and gardens. Sometimes they eat vegetables from gardens and they walk in the street and cause accidents. Some people like the pigs and they give them food and water to drink. Other people do not like the pigs and they want the government and the police to stop them entering the city.

In Moscow in Russia, there are 35,000 wild dogs. The dogs live in parks, old houses, markets and train stations. Some dogs live in groups and others live alone. Many people in Moscow like the dogs. They give them food and water. Some people make small houses for the dogs in their gardens. This helps the dogs in winter, when the temperature in Moscow is -10 ºC and there is a lot of snow and ice.

Many animals live in cities. In some cities, you can see birds, insects, mice and squirrels every day. But sometimes, it is dangerous when big animals come into cities to find food. We need to find ways of stopping animals coming into the city without hurting them.

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Tentang Orang Tua

 Orang tua adalah kunci keberhasilan kita didunia dan akhirat.
Ibu...dari beliaulah kita dilahirkan. Doa ibu ijabah, kasih sayang dan ketulusanya tidak tergantikan. So berbaktilah. Ayah, dengan perjuangannya mencari nafkah yang halal untuk putera puterinya..tanpa kenal lelah memberi pendidikan yang terbaik hingga kita meraih mimpi kita. 

Sesekali jenguklah orangtua kita, agar mereka tersenyum.


dahon cahmpion


Dahon champion seri ini dipasarkan pada era 1980 an..dengan bahan cromolly tubing. Kuat dan cukup ringan. Lipatan dari sepeda ini kuat dan aman karena menggunakan tambahan baut. Crank classic yang unik akan memanjakan pecinta sepeda vintage. velg dari bahan atom. Dengan mode single speed maka sepeda ini direkomendasikan untuk jarak pendek. Heehe unutk kemasjid atau muter-muter komplek cocok.

  Pengalaman saya menggunakan sepeda ini, dalam kondisi jalan yang becek dan berair aman digunakan.Engsel head tube kokoh dan tidak goyah walaupun distel tinggi. Saddle bawaan lumayan pas, empuk dan nyaman.

Situs lain bisa dilihat di

pic by @ririd_pahlawi 

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018


Saturday, 2018 August 18

Hello bro,,back I'll review my bike collection Khs Soul Fixed gear. I bought this bike on June 2018. My friend suggest me that this is comfortable bike to ride in city. It's price  Rp 1.300.00,00,it's quite expensive.  I send it from batam city by TIKI cargo with cost Rp 380.000,00.

All part still original. But at the first time  I rode, the original crank was broken. Directly I bought a new crank with same size in the bike store near with my office. The crank was made by Jakarta Fixie Club, it's quite cheap and leight weight. Now I'll show you the detail of my bike :
       For safety  KHS soul used single brake system, it's put on fork. Wheelset use 700 c tire. Saddle equiped by United saddle.
       This is very simple bike, but it's not recommended for long trip. 25


Specification of Dahon Tail Wind 1980

Dahon Tail Wind was the best folding bike in 1980 era. It is easy to fold and light weight. With five speed transmition, users will feel comfort and safety to ride on long trip. IT's very practice to put on the car. When you travelling with your family or touring to other city or country you can put it into box. To increase it's speed, dahon tailwind had completed with 20 inc wheelset, brake lever using diacompe, brake lever using Lee cee made in taiwan. To protect from mud and water, it's completed with precisition fender. Dahon Tailwind also completed with rack for carrying pannier bag or box. This is very comfortable folding bike , recommended for you thats have touring hobbies.
This is my tail wind, i bought it  three month ago. All parts still original, All mechanical parts can fucntion well.

 This bike was built in U.S.A
But in teh top tube near with fold pin, there is a dented.

Terimakasih sudah mengunjungi blog kami. kritik dan saran bisa disampaikan ke email. More info follow akun IG : ririd_pahlawi / youtube : pahlawi.

Sepeda Seli BRIDGESTONE PICNICA JAPAN 1980, Enak Buat Jalan

Hello friends.

today i'll show you my vintage foldingbike collection. Here you can see bridgestone picnica 1980, that i have been bought two months ago. I bought it from my friend in batam. Ok Let's check this out.
I got this brochure from geogle for referention purpose,

 These are my bridgesestone picnica collection :












Thank you....^^


Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

20 Makanan Sehat Untuk Menghajar Lemak Tubuh

Tumpukan lemak tentu membuat tubuh menjadi tidak nyaman. Untuk  membakar lemak kamu perlu olahraga dan juga mengonsumsi makanan yang sehat.

Berikut beberapa rekomendasi makanan untuk membantumu menghajar lemak dalam tubuh.

1.    Kopi tanpa gula

2.    Telur Rebus

3.    Teh Hijau (Green Tea)

4.    Almond

5.    Yoghurt

6.    The Oolong

7.    Minyak Zaitun

8.    Kurma

9.    Madu

10. Bawang putih

11. Alpukat

12. Semangka

13. Jeruk

14. Nanas

15. Melon

16. Kentang

17. Beras merah

18. Susu

19. Mangga

20. Kelapa hijau


Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

6 Manfaat Daun Pandan bagi Kesehatan Tubuh Kita

Tanaman Pandan atau dikenal dengan nama latin Pandanus amaryllifolius memiliki berbagai manfaat bagi manusia.  Berbagai masakan dan aneka minuman akan terasa kurang apabila tidak menggunakan daun pandan. Daun pandan juga bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh kita.

Berikut beberapa manfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh kita:

1.    Mengatasi Batu Ginjal.

Daun pandan dapat meningkatkan produksi urine dan mampu membersihkan saluran kandung kemih.

2.    Meningkatkan kesehatan jantung.

3.    Menjaga Kesehtan sistem pencernaan.

4.    Mengontrol diabetes.

5.    Menjaga kesehatan jantung

6.    Menurunkan kolesterol.



Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

5 Rekomendasi Tempat Lari di Simeuleu

Hello sobat pecinta lari ? Kalau sobat lagi di Simeuleu nih, kamu bisa  bakar lemak di tempat ini. 

Berikut rekomendasi tempatnya:

1.    Masjid Agung Tengku Khalilullah.

Letaknya berada di pinggir jalan Teuku Umar, kamu bisa bakar lemakmu disini ya sob. Bakar lemak di pagi hari dan sore hari disini lebih mantab sob.

2.    Alun-alun pendopo Kabupaten Simeulue.

Bakar lemak di alun-alun kota Simeuleu juga asik sob, sambil menikmati hamparan rumput dan taman kota.

3.    Tugu Lobster.

Sobat runners kamu bisa cobain nih, bakar lemak di area tugu lobster sambil .

4.    Pantai Lasikin.

Biar gobyos, bakar lemakmu di pantai lasikin sob, dengan view laut dan pasir putih tentu sensasinya luar biasa sob.

5.    Pantai Busung.

Jogging di pantai Busung juga menjadi salah satu alternatif bagi kamu untuk membakar lemakmu dan menghajar perut gembul hehe.



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